Delivering Profitability through Effective Arbitrage Trades

Our Arbitrage Trading System Effectively solves all the long-standing issues faced in arbitrage trading, assuring your Profit under ALL Market Conditions!

Our Arbitrage Trading System
Blue Water Algorithm

Artificial Intelligence

Autonomous Software

Blue Water Algorithm

Automation Precision Real Time Trades

The Blue Water Algorithm is at the heart of our arbitrage trading system which utilizes cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence, autonomous software and precise algorithms to identify and execute arbitrage trades between 4 different digital asset trade pairs on ONE SINGLE EXCHANGE in real-time. Negating the issues of Speed, Trading Volume and Costs, which digital asset arbitrage trading commonly faces.

The system has made arbitrage trading of digital assets SIMPLE, PROFITABLE, FAST, PRECISE AND SAFE, with SIGNIFICANT COST SAVINGS ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

Fully compatible with Some of the World’s


And best of all, trades are shown on the Blue Water Trading Dashboard and the authenticity of each is VERIFIABLE!

An Overview
An Overview of How the Blue Water Algorithm (BWA) Works
Step 01
Real-time trade and market statistics are gathered on the exchanges that the BWA is running on as a first step toward identifying arbitrage opportunities.
Step 02
Smart Algorithm analyzes all information received and the algorithm computes the probability of a profitable arbitrage trade outcome to ensure profits are not lost through slippage or trading fees.
Step 03
Upon identification and confirmation of a profitable trade, the System executes trades in real-time.
Step 04
Trade Data and other key parameters are collated to enable the BWA’s in-built deep learning capabilities to continuously adapt and upgrade itself to enhance precision.
Overview of Our Developmental Roadmap
Arbitrage Trading of Cryptocurrency
Q1 2023
Cross Chain Arbitrage
Q2 2023
DAPPs Arbitrage
Q4 2023
Arbitrage Trading of NFTs
On going Preparations
Establishment of Cryptocurrency Exchange

Our long-term development plan envisages building Blue Water Group into a leading firm within the field of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies that provide a comprehensive range of services.